


·剧情短片 - 人生·剧情短片 - 剧情14.2w播放2.4w人气值
发布时间:2018-03-06 14:30


影片简介 三十载,一对母子,相依为命 三十载,一位患有脑瘫的儿子,一位生活在最底层的母亲 三十载,她在黑暗中渐行渐远,他不想做黑暗中沉沦的人 三十载,他与她相濡以沫 Introduction: For 30 years, a pair of mother and son, stick together and help each other in difficulties. For 30 years, son suffered from cerebral palsy, mother lives as most unprivileged. For 30 years, she found her own way to walk through the dark. He tried to make her not alone. For 30 years, these two trapped-on-land fishes moisten each other with moisture and spit to survive. 影片阐述概念 一碗蛋炒饭、一只乌龟、绘画、浴缸、洗衣、再也简单不过的生活, 但他的脑瘫、她的不舍弃、他的坚韧、她的平和,造就了一对母子不平凡的情感, 三十载相依为命,从此谁也无法脱离彼此, 庄子:“泉涸,鱼相与处于陆,相呴以湿,相濡以沫” Concept: A bowl of egg Fried rice, a turtle, a painting, a bathtub, laundry, this family leads an ordinary life. But with his cerebral palsy, her companion, his tenacity, and her peace, the fate also brought something extraordinary to this pair of mother and son. After living together for 30 years, they can never be separated from each other. Like Chuang-tzu said in The Grand Master: Spring has dried up, fishes are trapped on the land. So they moisten each other with moisture and spit to survive.


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