Grayson - Otherness Official MV

Grayson - Otherness Official MV2018-05-31T11:12:23+00:00

Grayson - Otherness Official MV

·音乐/声音 - MV·二维动画 - 定格动画993播放374人气值
发布时间:2018-05-31 19:12


這次與Finger and Toe 團隊合作的是紐西蘭獨立創作歌手 Grayson Gilmour。Grayson 將Otherness(他者)這首歌以360 Spatial Audio的方式處理聲音,因此導演在創作時,除了呼應歌曲本身的迷幻感受,也大膽實驗跳脫框架的視覺概念。創作期間,除了團隊成員之外,無論是駐足工作室的朋友還是短暫的訪客,FT團隊邀請每位以彩色的壓克力顏料將黑白的影像上色,任意揮灑,隨心所欲。 創作起初,導演只是很好奇,若將2D逐格動畫的溫度質感置入3D的科技空間裡,會有什麼視覺體驗?而在3D環境中縫合2D圖像,是否能夠打破傳統,重新定義影像觀看的方式?於是,團隊秉持著一貫的創新風格,發展出這支高實驗性的MV。 最後,手繪的色塊與線條交錯漂浮在如夢境般的迷幻音樂裡,引領觀眾自由地遊走在360度環繞空間中,無疆無界。 Thanks to NZ indie music talent Grayson Gilmour, Finger and Toe has a chance to present this beautiful collaboration that breaks the boundaries of imagination and reality. Out of curiosity, director Su Shang Yang aimed to create a world that integrates 2D frames in a 3D environment, re-defining the viewing perspective. With the help from our team and everyone who stopped by, a total of 1512 hand-painted frames were put together, resonating with the song \\\"Otherness\\\". --- Artist : Grayson Gilmour Animation Studio : Finger and Toe Executive Producer :Kay Chen Creative Director :Su Sheng Yang Producer :Julie Pan Cel Animation :KAI Chang Compositing :Su Sheng Yang, 陳奇逸, BOOC Editing :Su Sheng Yang Painting Artists :Su Sheng Yang, Julie Pan, KAI Chang, 陳奇逸, BOOC, Shiao Min Lin, Charlie Chen, Kay Chen, Isaac Li, Otis Kao, Cindy Ho, 鄺家偉, 林孟學, Chung-Jui Lee, 林思翰, Ivy Chen, Poyi Sung, 劉旻泓, 蘇品豪, 游博宇, Wendy Lu, 大紅花, Reider Larsen, 埃及陰間胡狼神, Jumping Chiang, Ichi Liu, Johnny Chiang, Yisho Du, Zun Long, Kiki Huang, Lei Tao, Sui Chou, Lily Hong

