生命狂想曲 How's Life? / Comedy 喜劇 / 賴雅妍

生命狂想曲 How's Life? / Comedy 喜劇 / 賴雅妍2017-11-26T06:46:28+00:00

生命狂想曲 How's Life? / Comedy 喜劇 / 賴雅妍

·剧情短片 - 喜剧1.2w播放2.2k人气值
发布时间:2017-11-26 14:46


科技文明不停的進步,政治不停的爭吵,但我們的心靈卻不停的萎靡空虛。 這部影片要好好講一個故事, 好看,好玩,看了會開心的故事。 一個中年胖子,不知道為了什麼活?他想自殺但卻總是失敗。 在外死不了,於是他回家關起門燒炭。 莫名其妙的女推銷員來推銷『全套海洋百科全書』,阻礙了胖子的扇子繼續揮動。 女推銷員神經質似的不停講話,胖子只能默默看著她…。 本片是關於 嚴肅的生命 的故事。 不過只是有點荒謬、又有點奇怪… Technology and culture are developing. Politic is continually noisy. But our empty minds keep on withering. This film will tell a story nicely. An interesting and funny story that makes you laugh. A middle-aged fat guy, who does not know why he lives, fails to attempt several suicides. Since he can’t do it outside his house, he decides to commit suicide by burning carbon at home. By luck, a strange encyclopedia saleswoman interrupts fat guy’s road to the other world. She hysterically talks, talks and talks. All the fat guy can do is look at her silently. This is a story about a grave life, which is also kind of ridiculous and strange…


第42屆金馬獲選最佳創作短片、最佳新演員入圍(賴雅妍) 北京電影學院國際學生影視競賽 中國最優秀短片 金鐘獎導演、女主角、男配角、剪接、音效入圍 金穗獎 最佳劇情數位影片 法國里昂電影節最佳短片


