微电影-Two-time 第二位女友 预告

微电影-Two-time 第二位女友 预告2018-12-06T16:07:55+00:00

微电影-Two-time 第二位女友 预告

·宣传片 - 影视/综艺530播放153人气值
发布时间:2018-12-07 00:07


阿发同时认识了莎莉和祖儿两个个性迥异的女子,也跟两人同时交往,他原本掩饰的很好,却因为一个不注意,同时约了两位女友共进晚餐,阿发急中生智,四两拨千斤的避开了一次又一次的逼问,直到最后得意的要离开时,却还是纸包不住火。 Fox knows two girls, Sally and Zoe, who have different personalities; and date both of them at the same time. He covered this kind of relationship very well. But he one time accidentally asked his two girlfriends out for dinner together. Fox skillfully dodged questions one after another. When he was about to leave proudly, the whole thing still were finally exposed. --------------- 2014金善奖剧情类佳作 导演、编剧、casting:Nick 制片:逸凡 摄影:Yota 摄大助:君瀚 灯光:阿诺 灯光助理:柯征、勇兆 造型:红豆 收音:小绿 场记:阿乐 场务:Pork、Taco 剪接、混音:阿祥 调光:Nick 阿发:岱宗 莎莉:杨闵 祖儿:吴洛仪 服务生:儒谚 怪客:逸凡

