Film Encounter Teaser | 法国电影荟萃 Francophonie 2019

Film Encounter Teaser | 法国电影荟萃 Francophonie 20192019-05-10T03:28:02+00:00

Film Encounter Teaser | 法国电影荟萃 Francophonie 2019

·宣传片 - 文娱活动631播放167人气值
发布时间:2019-05-10 11:28


For the 14 edition of the Mois de La Francophonie, a diversity of cultural events were organized in cities all across China. Performances, workshops and competitions of theater, art, music, literature, sport and cinema brought a unique sense of French culture to Chinese audience. Apart from creating the main teaser of the event, JITU has also created Film Encounter teaser especially for the film screening program of the event. We have also filmed several events from this program for the wrap-up video production.


