梦回西递 预告片 Dreamland Xidi Trailer

梦回西递 预告片 Dreamland Xidi Trailer2019-07-22T08:52:19+00:00

梦回西递 预告片 Dreamland Xidi Trailer

·宣传片 - 影视/综艺592播放129人气值
发布时间:2019-07-22 16:52


西递古镇,一个宁静淡雅的世外仙境,因大量保存完好的明清古建筑群而闻名于世。雕梁画栋,粉墙黛瓦,青砖石巷,潺潺溪流,村落民居错落有致,无不透露着徽式独特的建筑美学。在这里,我们邂逅了客栈老板娘吴峰芳,在她的带领下,我们走进村民们世代生活的老房子,而小镇风光的背后,隐藏着村民们深深的不安,平静自在的生活,将被日渐增多的游客所打破…… Xidi is a rural village in Anhui China, which is famous for its architecture and lifestyle for more than 900 years. A local guesthouse manager Wu Fengfang is taking us to the journey of discovery. Dreamland Xidi was selected by 2019 Caorle Film Festival (Venice) as the opening film, also selected by 2019 CFIFF (Sydney) as the Monthly finalist.


