纪录片 “Spraying Under the Stars”

纪录片 “Spraying Under the Stars”2019-08-09T03:42:59+00:00

纪录片 “Spraying Under the Stars”

·宣传片 - 影视/综艺·纪录片 - 人文/历史1.3k播放358人气值
发布时间:2019-08-09 11:42


Los Angeles cleans over 30 million square feet of graffiti per year. After the new election, political graffiti has been rising tremendously. Teachr, and MegZany are two graffiti activists who are based in LA. When they sensed the injustice around them, they choose to use graffiti to express their anger, hoping to awake society. Each of them is trying to raise awareness of education issues, DACA, or women’s rights; however, he or she is all facing tons of different challenges. Either getting caught by the police, being threatened by the local gangsters or being teased just because of their gender, the film will follow their actions towards the problems they trying to fix. While the result of the projects remains unknown, these two artists are fighting hard no matter what happens.


