Juice | QQ星精彩的世界 QQ_Star_Fantasy_World

Juice | QQ星精彩的世界 QQ_Star_Fantasy_World2019-08-09T10:52:51+00:00

Juice | QQ星精彩的世界 QQ_Star_Fantasy_World

·广告片 - 餐饮食品·剧情短片 - 奇幻2.3k播放740人气值
发布时间:2019-08-09 18:52


有一些项目真的可以让我们的想象力爆棚。 就像这一个,在绿色屏幕上的演员和其他人包括CG中创造的乳白色世界的每个微小细节都令人疯狂。 对我们来说,这45s就像一部短片。 看,有一只粉红色的大象飞过。 There\'re a few projects that we can really let our imagination run wild. Like this one – actors on the green screen and the rest – including every tiny detail of this eccentric, milky world created in CG. To us, this 45s is like a short movie. And there is a pink elephant that flies. Launched in China, directed by Eric Will. Client: Yili Director: Eric Will DOP: Haruld Goh Agency: Havas Beijing Production Studio: BlueMoon Films Postproduction Studio: Juice


