万丽酒店 the night with Renaissance 万里夜发现 宣传片 - 北京

万丽酒店 the night with Renaissance 万里夜发现 宣传片 - 北京2019-11-12T08:03:37+00:00

万丽酒店 the night with Renaissance 万里夜发现 宣传片 - 北京

·广告片 - 旅游1.7k播放518人气值
发布时间:2019-11-12 16:03


A series of 15s commercial: filmed in Shanghai, Beijing, Mumbai, and Phuket. Every city, especially Asian cities come alive at night. However, as a business traveller to new cities 9 with limited time, it\'s sometimes hard to know where to begin. In 2015, Renaissance Hotels in Asia will help discoverers to find the best sides of the city at night.


