壁画·一块石头 - 艺术家:尼克·杜拉菲

壁画·一块石头 - 艺术家:尼克·杜拉菲2020-02-04T07:10:53+00:00

壁画·一块石头 - 艺术家:尼克·杜拉菲

·纪录片 - 其他1.4k播放420人气值
发布时间:2020-02-04 15:10


艺术家:尼克·杜拉菲 中国墨水 & 丙烯颜料 2018年4月 黄锐白云馆-北京 这件作品在2018年4月于“一块石头”展览上创作。这件作品是将雕塑的影子投射到墙上,然后用中国水墨来描绘它。这六米左右的巨大的尺寸变成宛如山峰一般的景象与这件雕塑相互呼应,而天空是由蓝色的丙烯颜料用笔刷画上的。 在这幅壁画中,作为山的缩影的石头变成了一座二维的山。这一新的景观以某种方式再现了原石的产地,云南的高山。 音乐来自鲁迅公园(上海)2011年春天在池塘边演奏二胡的老先生录制的录音。 非常感谢黄锐和Berenice Angremy给我这个机会在黄锐白云馆展示这个作品。还要感谢“一块石头”展览的策展人夏彦国。 By Niko de La Faye Ink & acrylic 5.5x7.5m April 2018 Cloud House, Huang Rui Studio – Beijing This work is a mural created at Huang Rui Studio (Beijing) during The Stone exhibition in April 2018. The piece consisted of projecting the shadow of The Stone sculpture on the wall and to replicate it with Chinese ink. The large-scale painting became like a mountain overlooking the sculpture from almost six-meters high. Then the sky was applied using acrylic paint with a straw broom. Music is from a recording made in Luxun park (Shanghai) of an old man playing erhu by the edge of a pond in spring 2011 Big thanks to Huang Rui and Bérénice Angrémy for offering me the opportunity to present this work at Cloud House. Thank you also to Xia Yanguo, curator of ‘The Stone’ exhibition.


