Born this way-Zhu Chenxu

Born this way-Zhu Chenxu2020-05-10T03:39:23+00:00

Born this way-Zhu Chenxu

·纪录片 - 人文/历史470播放109人气值
发布时间:2020-05-10 11:39


2019年是石墙运动整五十周年,人们之间的分裂与隔阂仍旧不曾被消弭。就在本应是全民狂欢的“骄傲游行”活动中,一名黑人传教士高举圣经面向人群宣扬其所谓的“取向正义”。短片的主角Elliot Fountain讲述了作为一个置身于多元文化深度包容的英国的跨性别者,他与他的跨性别友人在生活中所遇到的各种无解而棘手问题。 The year 2019 marks the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots. At what was supposed to be a national pride parade, a black preacher held up a bible and spoke to the LGBT crowd about what he called “sexual orientation justice”. Elliot Fountain, the protagonist of the short film, a transgender person living in the UK, tells the unresolved and intractable problems he and his transgender friends encounter in their lives.


