「未・未来」全球教育计划 | 论坛活动回顾 | 微记录

「未・未来」全球教育计划 | 论坛活动回顾 | 微记录2017-12-20T16:24:53+00:00

「未・未来」全球教育计划 | 论坛活动回顾 | 微记录

·宣传片 - 文娱活动1.1w播放4.9k人气值
发布时间:2017-12-21 00:24


「未・未来」全球教育计划是一场对未来艺术设计教育的实验性探索,秉持跨领域、跨时空、跨文化原则,集成全球学术智慧,联合院校与社会各界的领袖学者、科技实验者、未来预测者、设计研究者、社会学者、商界精英等,打造一个专家汇集、智慧碰撞、多元发声、合作共赢的「未・未来」平台。「未・未来」全球教育计划将倡导发起「全球教育共同体」,以问题导向、课题实践与教育战略为步骤,搭建面向全球的创新艺术设计教育平台。「未・未来」以影响时代的事件为启始,重新审视当下社会语境中的艺术与设计,通过「激活创新」、「青年之为」和「教育不在」三个阶段,持续性的主题分享、圆桌对话、教育实践、校长论坛等活动形式,深度探讨与拓展未来教育议题,重新定义未来设计教育模式,延伸传统教育边界,从而促进未来艺术设计教育全新模式构建,推动全球艺术设计教育可持续发展。 FUTURE UNKNOWN Global Education Plan 2017–2018 Central Academy of Fine Arts FUTURE UNKNOWN Global Education Plan is an experi-mental exploration for future art and design education by a joint force of global institutions. Embracing the principle of cross-discipline, cross-time-space and cross-culture, it aims at pooling together global academic intelligence, gather global institutions and leading scholars, technical experimenters, futurists, design researchers, sociologists and business elites to forge a collaborative and double-win global Future Unknown platform, where experts gather, intelligence collides and multi-voices are made. FUTURE UNKNOWN will intiate a “Global Education Community” with three steps of question orientation, teaching practice and education strategy, to forge a global innovative art and design education platform. Starting with events impacting the contemporary time, FUTURE UNKNOWN will re-examine art and design in the contemporary context. Through the three consecutive stag-es of Compulsive Innovation, Youth Expressed and Educa-tion Absence, and with continuing events such as thematic sharing, roundtable discussion, education practice and chancellor summit , it looks forward to in-depth discussing and expanding the topics of future education, redesigning the modes of future art & design education and expand- ing the boundary of traditional education, in an effort to facilitate the construction of the new modes of future art & design education in China and to push forward the sus- tainable development of global art & design education.

