暗夜繁星(英文名:Pandemic19) 预告片(入围2021年奥斯卡)

暗夜繁星(英文名:Pandemic19) 预告片(入围2021年奥斯卡)2020-10-13T10:18:19+00:00

暗夜繁星(英文名:Pandemic19) 预告片(入围2021年奥斯卡)

·纪录片 - 人文/历史3.1k播放958人气值
发布时间:2020-10-13 18:18


PANDEMIC19 讲述了在新冠疫情肆虐时三位美国医生通过视频日记抗击疫情的故事。 PANDEMIC19 captures the story of three doctors in the United States fighting COVID-19 as the chaos of the pandemic permeates outside the frame of their video confessions. 2020, Color, 28:35 minutes, English 张侨勇及安妮·卡楚拉·罗林斯导演作品 A film by Yung Chang and Annie Katsura Rollins 监制Executive Producer: Jean Tsien 剪辑Editor: Xi Feng 摄影Cinematographer: Derek Howard A co-production of Pandemic19 Productions Inc. and CAAM with major funding provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.


