单亲? 霸凌? 性侵? 高中生原创短片——《疼》

单亲? 霸凌? 性侵? 高中生原创短片——《疼》2020-11-26T12:38:38+00:00

单亲? 霸凌? 性侵? 高中生原创短片——《疼》

·剧情短片 - 文艺·剧情短片 - 青春3.1k播放1.0k人气值
发布时间:2020-11-26 20:38


疼,是家庭之溃,校园之痛;理想之困,友情之伤。 这部影片中,校园、家庭、个人之融合,展现了当今造成学生心理障碍的种种因素:性教育缺失、单亲家庭的困扰、非肢体校园暴力…… 而这些,让名叫“万忆娴”的女孩,从敢言敢当,向往未来一步步走向崩溃,直到最终再也按耐不住那份“疼”。 “万忆娴”并非悲惨的个例,它有当今万亿中学生内心所“嫌”的影子,我们将他们在这部影片中汇集,有母亲对女儿的兴趣爱好不理解,也有父亲重组家庭后的失职;有同学以“开玩笑”为由造成的心理伤害,也有老师处理学生事情的不妥当。 打在万忆娴脸上的,是万亿中学生的“疼”! A young girl gets hurt by family, school, her hobby and friendship. This microfilm combines aspects of school, family and individuals. Some main factors that cause the clinical psychological problems of middle school students are shown in this microfilm: poor sex-education, single-parent families, non-physical campus violence, etc. These factors make the personality of girl named \\Wan Yi Xian\\ changed little by little, bringing the ruin to the deeply hurt girl who was once kindhearted and hopeful. What hurt Wan Yi Xian also hurt all the middle school students today!


