Masterchef Calling Extract

Masterchef Calling Extract2020-11-29T08:55:54+00:00

Masterchef Calling Extract

·广告片 - 餐饮食品·纪录片 - 人文/历史798播放197人气值
发布时间:2020-11-29 16:55


Masterchef Calling Extract 1 “他触碰的所有东西都必须是来自意大利的……我原以为我知道如何做出美味的意式方饺,我以为我知道如何做出令人惊艳的馄饨……直到我遇到Giorgio。” Gordon Ramsey这样评价他的同事——《意大利厨艺大师 Masterchef Italy》的评委Giorgio Locatelli。这是一部在伦敦拍摄的30分钟纪录片,讲述了Giorgio的成名经历,家庭和分享食物的重要性。主演Giorgio Locatelli, Plaxy Locatelli, Gordon Ramsey, Nigella Lawson, Matthew Fort。 “Everything he touches has to be Italian... I thought I knew how to make a great ravioli, I thought I knew how to do an amazing tortellini... until I met Giorgio” says Gordon Ramsey about his colleague Chef Giorgio Locatelli, judge on Masterchef Italy. Shot in London, this is a 30-minute documentary about Giorgio’s rise to fame, the importance of family and of sharing food. Starring Giorgio Locatelli, Plaxy Locatelli, Gordon Ramsey, Nigella Lawson, Matthew Fort.


