个人创意短片《圆舞曲》The Waltz
2021-02-07T16:52:48+00:00个人创意短片《圆舞曲》The Waltz
The outbreak of covid pandemic in 2020 has brought the whole world to a standstill.
The masks hide our facial expression while keeping the fresh air away. Windows and screens become the only thruway to have a glance at the world. Everyone is confined into closed spaces - we are forced to get familiar with boring television shows, piles of garbage at a certain corner of the room, unfinished drinks and unwashed dishes.
The clutter and disorder of the reality blinds people, unable to see their future, 2020 was a tough year to get through.
However, with the world on pause, I found all the time at my disposal to introspect on myself. What are the most precious things I cherish in the very limited days that I call life?
So I made this film to remind myself that the bright days will come eventually, no matter how dark it seems now. And I want to pass the courage to others, hoping ones can stay hopeful and faithful to the future.