穿越美国 | Across the America

穿越美国 | Across the America2021-02-09T23:00:15+00:00

穿越美国 | Across the America

·纪录片 - 风光/地理891播放226人气值
发布时间:2021-02-10 07:004K


历时 40 天,途经 17 州,旅程 24,000 公里。穿越荒漠和森林,临近湖泊与冰川。守候大峡谷的日出,等待死亡谷的日落,仰望瑞尼尔山的星空与黄石的银河…… This trip lasted 40 days, covering 17 states and 15,000 miles. From desert to forest, from lakes to glacier, we enjoyed the sunrise at Grand Canyon, the sunset at Death Valley, the night sky at Mount Rainier, and the Milky Way at Yellowstone. 拍摄设备 大疆 “御” Mavic Pro 索尼 α6300 索尼 α7 II 索尼 α7R II


