《The Peak of Star死星之巅》纪录片

《The Peak of Star死星之巅》纪录片2021-02-15T06:55:55+00:00

《The Peak of Star死星之巅》纪录片

·纪录片 - 人文/历史·纪录片 - 风光/地理7.4k播放675人气值
发布时间:2021-02-15 14:55


戴维斯大学社会科学楼因其外表被戏称为“死星”,其结构复杂,常常使学生迷路。影片结合真实采访和两位学生的虚构剧情,将困惑的大学生活比喻成两位学生分别寻找教室和”死星“最高处的旅途。 A building in Davis is commonly called the Death Star because it's appearance. It also has very confusing layout. It is very hard to find the correct office or classroom in the building for the students. This documentary combines actual interview with fictional narrative of two students; one couldn't find her classroom and the other one tried his best to find the peek of this building. The journey of these two students looking for their stops metaphorically representing their messy and confusing college life.


