电影短片《红羽》 The Red Feather

电影短片《红羽》 The Red Feather2021-04-16T10:58:46+00:00

电影短片《红羽》 The Red Feather

·剧情短片 - 文艺·剧情短片 - 悬疑5.9w播放5.4k人气值
发布时间:2021-04-16 18:584K


希望通过一个极具宿命感的故事,展现当代女性的生存境遇——她们活在男性视角的凝视之下。整部影片围绕两名年轻男性的视角展开叙述,在一片肃杀的西北戈壁上,面对女性遭受的暴力事件,惩恶扬善或是视而不见,两名年轻人各执一词。正如现实世界中,每一个普通人,作为旁观者面对同类事件时,显露出的困境与迷思。而在叙事上,我们加入了一条“寻找红色乌鸦”的线索,让故事更具象征意义。 We wanted to show the living circumstance of contemporary women through a very fatalistic story —— they live under the gaze of men. The film revolves around the perspectives of two young men. Facing the violence against the women on a stretch of northwest Gobi Desert, two young man disagree on whether to punish or ignore the current situation.Just as in the real world, every ordinary person, as a bystander in the face of similar events, reveals the dilemma and mystery. In the narrative, we added a clue of "looking for the red crow" to make the story more symbolic.


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