


·剧情短片 - 家庭·剧情短片 - 儿童3.3w播放2.6k人气值
发布时间:2021-08-05 01:114K


影片的叙事动机以自身的真实经历改编而来。一个住在岛上的男孩在十岁生日那天,满心期 盼离家的母亲能回家,面对父亲的刻意隐瞒、遭受同学的嘲笑欺凌、看到法院寄来的离婚传 票,心中所有的疑惑与委屈,在电话另一头母亲声音响起的时候,被再一次默默压在心底。 看在眼里的父亲决定为了儿子再做一次换回婚姻的努力。深夜,父亲骑着摩托车带着儿子, 坐着渡船出岛去寻找母亲。 The film is adapted from my own real experience.A boy who lives on the island, on his tenth birthday, he hoped that his mother who had left home would return home.When he faced his father's deliberate concealment, was bullied by his classmates, and saw the divorce summons sent by the court, all the doubts and grievances in his heart were silently suppressed once again when the mother's voice on the other side of the phone rang.Seeing this, the father decided to make another effort to exchange marriage for his son.In the middle of the night, the father took his son on a motorcycle and took the ferry out of the island to find his mother.



