定格动画:挑战生存法则 A challenge of survival law

定格动画:挑战生存法则 A challenge of survival law2021-09-05T14:40:54+00:00

定格动画:挑战生存法则 A challenge of survival law

发布时间:2021-09-05 22:40


挑战生存法则A challenge of survival law 1分45秒,2020,定格动画,双声道,尺寸可变 ​ “你来到这个世界上,只有互惠才能活着”, 作为一个新生儿,对一切事物不予过多回馈,我尝试挑战了人们认为的生存法则。按照定律,如果我已经破坏了规则,则我已经是一个不被承认存活的人——“社会死亡”。直到我遇见了一个同类…. 于理,两个死人之前可以不需要费劲的交易,我现在有笑容,钢镚和面包。 面包是不存在交易的,因为永远吞进我的肚子它里不会回复我,那如果我给他一个面包?最后的最后,我也似乎没有逃出这个怪圈。 Screenshot 2021-06-15 at 03.11.15.png As a newborn, I tried to challenge the law of existence in the society where the common sense of surviving is rampant. So I try not to give feedback on everything in the world. Conform to the truth; I should not be a living one. Doubts rose to the surface. When I give bread to another "dead one", life and death, reciprocity and feedback, the law of existence become increasingly contradictory and ironic


