Trailer 預告-《柯本的一天》Cobain & His Raincoat

Trailer 預告-《柯本的一天》Cobain & His Raincoat2018-01-11T09:44:04+00:00

Trailer 預告-《柯本的一天》Cobain & His Raincoat

·剧情短片 - 奇幻671播放277人气值
发布时间:2018-01-11 17:44


柯本是個極有藝術天分的插畫家,喜歡用畫來表達內心世界。因為患有社交恐懼症,所以老是待在家裡聽音樂,出門的話就一定要穿雨衣,雨衣對柯本來說的就像護身符一樣。因總總怪異行徑和無法適應團體生活而休學,並開了自己的工作室,與家人多年不曾聯絡。 就在跨年夜當天,柯本為了逃避朋友而躲去一間神秘小店,卻被一個為求生路的嫌犯挾持上公車。被迫與其他乘客待在狹小空間內的柯本,他會選擇逃出這場刺激又可笑的旅程?或者是勇敢面對內心的恐懼呢? Cobain was a talented illustrator Artist, he like to express his inner world with painting. Because of contract social phobia, so Cobain always stay at home and listen to music, and he will dress himself with raincoat if he wants to go out, because the raincoat was like a talisman. Cobain gross and weird behaviors and not adapt to community life make him drop out his study, and opened his own studio, he never contact his family for many years. On New Year\\\\\\\'s Eve day, Cobain escape to a little mystery shop to hide his friends, but he was hijacked by a suspect into the bus, be forced to stay with other within a small and enclosed space, would Cobain choose to escape this exciting and funny journey, or brave to face the fear?


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