


·剧情短片 - 人生·剧情短片 - 儿童11.1w播放1.3w人气值
发布时间:2018-01-14 20:404K


10-year-old Duo Er is reluctant to attend her violin lessons. Her mother pushes her to continue, but Duo Er carries a secret she cannot share. Data from the Supreme People's Court (SPC) showed that 10,782 child sexual assault cases were heard by courts all of China from 2013 to 2016. It means at least seven children were harmed every day on average. The story of Broken Flowers is based on real social issue. I hope it could help to raise the awareness for the audience to care the safety of children. 妈妈将四年级的朵儿送去学习提琴,但在学习的过程中老师对她做出一些奇怪的举动,朵儿因此有了一个不可对人言说的秘密。 最高人民法院数据显示,2013 -2016 四年间全国法院审理的性侵儿童案件量达到10782起,这意味着平均每天至少有7 个孩子受到伤害。本片《朵儿》取材于真实存在的社会事件,希望能让更多人关注和重视儿童安全问题。 FESTIVALS: GAIA48 Film Festival Best Film Award Tampere Film Festival (Oscar® EFA® BAFTA®) International Competition GAIA48 Film Festival Best Cinematography Award Kalaburagi International Short Film Festival Best Short Film Award LA MIDA NO IMPORTA Short Film Festival Best Short Film OPEN PLACE International Short Film Festival Audience Award 17th FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL SIGNES DE NUIT Official selection Indie Flicks short film festival Official selection Burien Film Festival Official selection International Short Film Pune India  Official selection Hyderbad Bengali Film Festival Official selection more than 30 film festivals in and out of China.


第49届坦佩雷电影节 主竞赛单元(奥斯卡认证) 2019 GAIA48电影节 年度最佳影片 2018 GAIA48电影节分站赛 最佳摄影奖 La Mida No Importa Short Film Festival 最佳短片 Kalaburagi International Short Film Festival 最佳短片 OPEN PLACE International Short Film Festival 最佳观众奖 17th FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL SIGNES DE NUIT 主竞赛单元 Indie Flicks Film Festival 主竞赛单元 THIRD EYE ASIAN FILM 主竞赛单元 Burien Film Festival 主竞赛单元等近三十个国内外影展



