山言——Mountain Speaker

山言——Mountain Speaker2021-11-18T15:00:07+00:00

山言——Mountain Speaker

·剧情短片 - 家庭941播放305人气值
发布时间:2021-11-18 23:00


本片讲述了因为一场家庭变故,让原本生活幸福的家庭遭到打击,在这种情况下,父亲孙大山仍然扛起来家庭的重担,和儿子一起支撑这个家。该片通过残酷的现实和家庭的温馨展示了社会底层人民的艰辛生活和乐观态度。 The film tells a story of a family. Due to the misfortune, the original life of a happy family have changed completely, the father Sun Dasan and his son still carry the burden of the family to support the family under this circumstance. The film shows the hard life and optimism of people at the bottom of the society through the harsh reality and the warmth of the family.


