Mechanical Pulse | Version for La Danza

Mechanical Pulse | Version for La Danza2022-01-09T05:07:45+00:00

Mechanical Pulse | Version for La Danza

·视觉探索 - 概念短片·音乐/声音 - 舞蹈5.5w播放4.7k人气值
发布时间:2022-01-09 13:074K


《一辆长期停放的躯体》一分钟重制版。 Version for La Danza in 1 minuto (Italy). Mechanical Pulse is a 1-minute experimental dance video, which choreographed by Yiran Liang, Yifan Zhao and shot by Chris Lee, Paco Wen, edited by Summer. All the dancing is totally improvised and has no specific "stage" at all. The film conveys a beautiful concept that everything in the world has a soul belonging and a pulse inside. Today, we should flee from the iron cage of modernity and draw strength from nature.


