进化切片时尚摄影展 | 重庆大悦城

进化切片时尚摄影展 | 重庆大悦城2022-01-13T09:18:14+00:00

进化切片时尚摄影展 | 重庆大悦城

·广告片 - 美妆/护肤·广告片 - 地产/金融719播放189人气值
发布时间:2022-01-13 17:18


本次展览以「进化切片」为题, 旨在选取来自成渝超模们刚出道时的片子, 展示本地原生的时髦力量。 This exhibition, themed on Evolution Section, are trying to picture local chic power by the films of Sichuan and Chongqing super models at the beginning of their career. 同时希望借助成渝本地优秀的摄影师与超模们共同创造的影像, 给正处在时尚蜕变期的重庆城一个不同视角的答案。 At the same time, we are trying to give the best answer with different view to the transition way of Chic Chongqing through the image by photographers and models altogether. 带领参观者体会创作者们, 对小到「个体的成长进化」, 大到「行业的运行规律」抱有的热情与使命感。 Hope it could bring you the passion and mission they boast, from a personal perspective to a career angle. 总有人成为缪斯, 也总有人在造就自身。 Some are trying to be muse While some are pursuing one selves. 时尚并非遥不可及, 我们都处在进化之中。 Fashion is not far away It’s just we are on the way


