We-roll 杭州 Hangzhou

We-roll 杭州 Hangzhou2022-01-26T03:43:04+00:00

We-roll 杭州 Hangzhou

·纪录片 - 人文/历史·短视频 - 旅拍4.2k播放717人气值
发布时间:2022-01-26 11:43


用蒙太奇电影转场B-roll的手法,瞬息万变的转场配合着音效,让你没有时间去考虑下一秒会在哪里,发生什么,每一个镜头的转换,好像我们在音乐中跟着镜头不停穿梭,我穿梭于陋巷,记录老杭州人的生活,也走过知名景点,西湖,断桥,河坊街,龙井村,让你感受这个城市她的热闹也呼吸她的静谧。老外眼里的 杭州。 Using the B-roll method of montage movie transitions, the ever-changing transitions are matched with sound effects, so that you don't have time to think about where the next second will be, what will happen, and the transition of each shot, as if we are following the camera in the music. Shuttle, I shuttled through the alleys, recorded the life of the old Hangzhou people, and also walked through the famous scenic spots, West Lake, Broken Bridge, Hefang Street, Longjing Village, let you feel the city's liveliness and breathe her quiet. Hangzhou in the eyes of foreigners.


