People in a Small Park

People in a Small Park2022-02-26T01:27:01+00:00

People in a Small Park

·纪录片 - 人文/历史·纪录片 - 人物/社会1.1k播放334人气值
发布时间:2022-02-26 09:27


People in a Small Park (2021) Ziyu Feng, 19mins, UK If the director puts the camera in the corner of the park and doesn't show up during the process, how would people passing by react? This documentary boldly makes a new attempt at recording real-life and the state of people passing by, and tries to encourage people to express their feelings, activities and stories. Birth, old age, sickness, fear and love, all at the same time, constitute the magical world in the park. The greatest feeling of this film is a beautiful and simple sense of existence. No matter what you are experiencing at the moment, you are just in St. George's Gardens right now, stopping for this camera and sharing yourself, just like anyone else.



