


·宣传片 - 国家城市形象·宣传片 - 学校1.3k播放368人气值
发布时间:2022-04-03 16:39


什么是时间? What is time? 时间是那条奔腾不息河流。 Time is the rushing river. 任凭草木枯荣,岁月更迭 Despite the flourishing and withering of vegetation, and the vicissitude of years 那一年和你相遇, Our path crossed in that year, 从青葱少年,到两鬓霜花, From tender youth to grizzled elder 时光流淌,感同身受, Time is flowing, as experienced by people, 又遥不可及…… yet it is out of reach…… (相守) (Staying together) 什么是生命? What is life? 其实就是,去的尽管去,来的尽管来。 As a matter of fact, it is letting bygones be bygones and embracing what comes. 那一年和你相遇, Our path crossed in that year, 岁月如歌中,可曾浪遏飞舟? As time flies, have we braved against the turbulent waves that blocked our boat? 时代不同,环境各异, In distinct ages and varied environments, 相同的,是他们的心, Their hearts are aspired in the same way, 为了人类的医疗健康,一起努力跳动。 Beating vigorously for the medical health of mankind. (相恋) (Fascination) 什么是遇见? What is encounter? 最美的遇见,不过初见。 The most enchanting encounter is the first sight of each other. 每一次相逢,每一次微笑, Every encounter, every smile, 如春风拂面,愈念愈浓。 Are like spring breeze that becomes mellow as sentiment grows. 每一次跳跃,每一次启程 Every advancement and each setting out 看潮起潮落,目及远方。 Observe the ebb and flow in the farthest distance. 承载的,是心的起点, It bears the original aspiration of heart, 绘就着,如梦的画面…… It rolls out an ineffable scene… 爱上你,不需要理由。 It requires no reason to be fascinated by you. 最暖的遇见,不是偶遇。 The warmest encounter is not a chance encounter. 匆匆地到来,也许是最大的快乐。 Hasty arrival might be the most fabulous joy. 人海茫茫,机会却不总是渺渺。 Chance is not necessarily slim amongst the massive population. 不再刻意,一切都托付与机缘。 Without deliberate arrangement anymore, all are entrusted and destined. 当我们相遇,异途同归, We meet each other coming from different path, 不为事实皱眉,但对理想倾心。 Not annoyed by troubles, but be thrilled by aspiration. 你会发现,这里的舞台,最是温暖。 You would discover that this platform is the warmest one. 依恋你,今生的索求。 Sentimental attachment to you is the persistence of this life. (相知) (Understanding) 什么是境界? What is lofty achievement? 70年栉风沐雨, 70 years of toiling and hard work, 70年筚路蓝缕, 70 years of blazing new trails, 依然风华绝代…… Elegance remains… 当江天一色,炊烟袅袅; When river blends with the sky while kitchen smoke curls up; 当日升日落,白云苍狗。 When the sun rises and falls with unexpected change of worldly affairs. 千山以外,沧海自由, Beyond thousands of mountains flows the sea, 用一生来怀念,够不够? Is it enough to cherish with the whole life? 默默里,两万五千个日子,已从我手中溜去; In silence, 25000 days has sneaked away; 阴晴圆缺、岁岁年年…… The moon waxes and wanes, year in and year out… 很庆幸,此生和你相遇, It is great pleasure to meet you here in my life, 没有辜负你的心,曾经那样交给我。 And live up to your expectation that was entrusted to me in that way. 历经沧桑, After all these vicissitudes, 坚守的,不止是如山的责任。 What we hold on to is beyond the enormous responsibility. 笑看风云, Embrace all the changes, 相守的,是一份大爱和仁心…… What we are guarding is a great love and benevolence… (相逢) (Reunion) 什么是未来? What is future? 莫听穿林打叶声,何妨吟啸且徐行。 Just ignore the patter of rain on bamboo, and march forward in a leisure manner while singing all the way. 风雨过后,彩虹如桥; After rainy days, rainbow resembles a bridge; 天涯海角,总能相逢…… Reunion always comes despite being oceans apart… 炊烟起,夕阳下, Kitchen smoke rises in sunset, 树叶黄,月儿弯, Tree leaves turns yellow under crescent moon, 喃喃中,唯有这样一句, In the murmuring there is just this sentence, 我在这里等你, I am waiting here for you, 无悔,今生相遇…… No regret that we encounter in this life…


