


·纪录片 - 人文/历史717播放197人气值
发布时间:2022-04-14 16:42


一开始说封5天,现在第11天,也不知道何时解封。 网上买不到东西,囤的东西也慢慢见底,难怪很多人在阳台上大呼求救。肚子饿,让你重新看待“吃”这件事。有一天,我们不小心洒了点米,立即心疼地叫起来。好在邻居、小区志愿者积极组织团购,温饱不再成问题。但这一经历绝无仅有,借此我们创作了这一期视频俳句(Haiku)- Last Meal(最后一餐)。 ------ Haiku(俳句),是日本的一种古典短诗,由“五-七-五”,共十七字音组成;以三句十七音为一首,首句五音,次句七音,末句五音。Campfire Haiku,是我们对这个世界的一些观察和思考,结合影像、音乐,传递一种情感、意境或思想。 The Shanghai Authorities said it was to be a 5 day lockdown, it has now been 11 with no signs of ending. Online deliveries have been nigh on impossible to arrange so you can imagine why so many people have shouted for food from their balconies. It certainly makes you think about food in ways you'd never thought of. We were aghast when we spilled a dozen or so grains of rice on the floor. Luckily, good neighbours and local communities pulling together to form group buys have turned the situation around. But the desperate feeling of not knowing if this would be your last meal. It's something you're not going to forget so we tried to sum it up with a Campfire Haiku. A Haiku is an ancient Japanese poem that consists of 3 sentences and 17 syllables. Sentence 1, 5 syllables. Sentence 2, 7 syllables. Sentence 3, 5 syllables. A Campfire Haiku is a series of cinematic Haikus that shine a light on fascinating people, topics and places from around the world. #shanghailockdown #lockdown2022 #chinalockdown #shanghaicovid #campfire #campfirehaiku #haiku #phantomluts #sonyfx6 #sigmaart #citylockdown #shanghaiexpat #chinaexpat #shanghaifoodcrisis #lastmeal #videohaiku #4k #shanghai4k #china4k #livinginshanghai #wheresthefood


