乙女的世界 | The World of Girls

乙女的世界 | The World of Girls2022-06-20T14:08:50+00:00

乙女的世界 | The World of Girls

·纪录片 - 人文/历史407播放155人气值
发布时间:2022-06-20 22:08重庆


如今,乙女向产品(即专门为女性群体制作的文字/音视频/游戏等内容)逐渐进入大众视野,受到了众多女性的追捧。纪录片《乙女的世界》采用参与式叙事模式,聚焦女性话题,从乙女向内容进行切入,采访了多个乙女游戏爱好者,了解了他们对乙女游戏的看法以及作为游戏玩家的体验,同时探究了游戏对于他们生活产生的一系列影响,引发出许多值得思考的问题。本片以独特的视角讲述了一群身份各异的人如何与乙女游戏结缘,以及他们对于爱情和婚姻的态度,并希望探寻究竟是什么样的契机才使得这类产品迅速发展,以及在乙女游戏参与者中所反映出的社会现象。 Nowadays, Otome products (i.e., text/audio/video/games and other content made specifically for the female community) are gradually entering the public eye and are sought after by many women. The documentary “The World of Girls" uses a participatory narrative mode to focus on women's topics. Starting with the popularity of Otome games, interviewing several Otome game enthusiasts to understand their views on games and their experience as gamers, as well as exploring a series of effects of games on their lives, leading to many questions worth thinking about. The film takes a unique perspective on how a group of people with different identities became involved with Otome games and their attitude towards love and marriage, and hopes to find out what kind of opportunity has led to the rapid development of Otome products and the social phenomenon reflected in the Otome gamers.


