剧情短片「Nothing But Her」唯有你

剧情短片「Nothing But Her」唯有你2022-07-03T07:29:54+00:00

剧情短片「Nothing But Her」唯有你

·剧情短片 - 家庭·剧情短片 - 剧情3.4w播放2.8k人气值
发布时间:2022-07-03 15:29


看着父亲的阿尔茨海默病恶化,Jimmy努力继续独自照顾父亲。然而,在父亲一次次闯祸,甚至把他怀孕的妻子置于危险之中后,他被迫做出艰难的决定。While observing his father's Alzheimer's condition worsen, Jim struggles to continue taking care of him father on his own. However after his father puts his pregnant wife in danger, he is forced to make a difficult decision. Director Statement Nothing But Her is a film about a man who has to deal with the problem between his pregnant wife and Alzheimer’s father. By focusing on the perspective of the patient’s family member, I want to express the conflict between personal true feelings and social morality. This is a complicated situation for the family members. On one hand, It’s heartbreak to lose someone that we love day by day. Watch the closest family tortured by the disease gradually lose themselves that is the most painful thing for them. 
On the other hand, the patient brought families suffering not only spiritually, but more in life. To take care of the patient, the families need to spend plenty of money, time, and energy which will take away their own life. In this case, Jimmy needs to face the same question, Sophie or Dad?


NBH获奖记录 获奖 *洛杉矶独立电影节——剧情类最佳影片奖 *好莱坞国际电影电影节——最佳认可奖得主 *国际纽约电影节-优异奖得主 官方入围 * 2016年度月度电影节入围 * 2016年度最佳短片网络电影节 * 2016年戛纳电影节短片角 *钱德勒国际电影节 * Cortometrajes“Jose Francisco rosado”PACAS电影节 *洛杉矶CineFest——半决赛 *中国微电影视频十年大展 *中国金鸡百花电影学院奖



