


·剧情短片 - 爱情·剧情短片 - 励志584播放144人气值
发布时间:2022-07-31 22:03贵州


四个好友,两对恋人,怀揣着对美好生活的向往,一起努力着。在亲人重病之际,在事业起步之初,在名利的诱惑之下,面对爱情、友情与职业道德,他们分别作出了不同的选择…… 人生路漫长,如何守住自己的底线,收获属于自己的幸福,本片将带观众找到答案。 Video Introduction Four close friends or two couples, with their expectation for beautiful life, work hard together. When their relatives are sick, at the beginning of their career, in front of the lure of reputation and interests, they make different choices among love, friendship and professional ethics. With long way ahead, how will they adhere to the bottom line and find their respective happiness? This video will lead you to the answer of this question.


