Juice | Buick Electra-X’s

Juice | Buick Electra-X’s2022-08-10T04:54:35+00:00

Juice | Buick Electra-X’s

·广告片 - 汽车·三维CG - 三维动画4.3k播放1.4k人气值
发布时间:2022-08-10 12:54上海


All-new aggressive trapezoidal grille and bold, forward-leaning “shark nose” front end create Buick Electra-X's distinctive appearance. Our CG has had to reflect that this car was designed to take the future of Chinese electric mobility to the next level. Did we mention we love automotive? Give it a watch! 别克与Juice联手为纯电概念SUV Electra-X打造的广告视频首次亮相观众眼前!Electra-X大胆的菱纹格栅和前倾的“鲨鱼鼻”车头 为其营造了独树一帜的风格。 我们的CG团队需要围绕这款车型的设计开辟了未来中国电动科技新纪元的这一概念,从而制作和带来视觉上的震撼效果。 我们一直是汽车产业的拥护者!快来看看别克SUV Electra-X的首秀吧! Client客户: Buick Agency 代理商: Tian Yu Kong Production House 制作公司: Qianxi Media Director 导演: Li Hai Yuan DOP 摄影指导: Yang Ming Jie CG Beijing Studio 北京CG工作室: Exposure VFX Post-production 后期制作: Juice


