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发布时间:2022-08-13 13:32北京


艺术家:汪桦 作品名:诞生了Kalinka 时间:2018年10月,60分钟 地点:先生的药房 材料:被子 过程:艺术家在一间阁楼中,用布满身体遗留下“污渍”的被子把自己遮盖住,在被子里面来回穿戴衣服,历时 60分钟。 概念及陈述:艺术家受邀在友人搭建的阁楼里实施一件作品,期间向友人借用被使用数十年的被子为材料。被子通常被用于取暖保温,也是节日馈赠的好物,兼具实用性和社交性,亦是日常生活离不开的必备品,而人在使用被子的过程中,会在被子上留下私人的气味和痕迹。艺术家在被子覆盖下反复穿衣脱衣的过程中,偶尔会漏出某个局部,但观众始终看不见全貌。当下社会存在很多不被人知道的事,通常都是被隐藏和不能公开的并成为其虚假叙事的受害者。艺术家在被子的遮盖下里里外外的一遍遍穿戴自己的衣物,来回重复这一行为,呼吸和行动都受到限制。艺术家试图通过游戏的方式,从反面角度诠释“把一切都藏到地毯”下这一社会默认设置,不仅反讽了人际社会的虚伪,更进一步呼吁了对私人空间的理解和尊重。 摄像 陈光 剪辑 牛冬岳 汪桦 翻译 薛丹青 特别感谢 陈光 Title: The birth of Kalinka Date: October, 2018, 60 minutes Location: Doctor’s Pharmacy Material: A quilt Process: In an attic, the artist covered herself with a quilt which are the remains from human body then wore clothes back and forth in the quilt for 60 minutes. Concept and description: The artist was invited to implement a work in the attic built by one of her friends, during which she borrowed a quilt that’s used for decades. The quilt is usually used for warmth and it is also a good gift for the festival in Chinese culture. So, it is both practical and social and a must-have for everyday life. When people use the quilt, they will leave some private traces on the quilt, taking smells as example. During the process of repeating dressing and undressing under the cover of the quilt, the artist occasionally shows a certain part of what's underneath, yet audiences never see the whole picture. There are many things in the society that are taboos, and they are usually hidden and undisclosed. Real life is full of suspicion and oppression. The artist wears her clothes over and over in the cover of the quilt, repeating this behavior back and forth with limited breathtaking and movement. The artist tries to interpret the social default setting of "wrapping things under the carpet" from an opposite standpoint through the performance with the intention of not only satirizing the hypocrisy of the interpersonal society, but further calling for understanding and respect for private space. Camera: Chen Guang Editor: Niu Dongyue Wang Hua Translator: Xue Danqing Special thanks to Chen Guang


