广美2022届动画专业毕设作品《爱情罐头》Canned Love

广美2022届动画专业毕设作品《爱情罐头》Canned Love2022-08-17T09:19:31+00:00

广美2022届动画专业毕设作品《爱情罐头》Canned Love

·二维动画 - 数字动画·视觉探索 - 概念短片5.4k播放499人气值
发布时间:2022-08-17 17:19浙江


林子情:导演/前期设计/动画/后期合成/材料实验 高一歌:编剧/分镜/前期设计/原画/上色 超可怜!情侣双双秀恩爱,只有小丑孤身一人!“呜呜呜…”,小丑只能流下羡慕的泪水!突然!爱情罐头™(月老牌)出现在小丑的面前!!只要喝下一口,就能获得双向奔赴的甜甜爱情?!唰!唰!唰!喝下罐头后,竟变身成为自己梦寐以求的样子?!优雅的西装、帅气的墨镜,一瞬之间,众多爱情奔涌而来!爱情罐头,速来抢购! "There are many couples show affection in public. A clown is thirsty for love and found that the consumption of canned love can quickly get love. This animation is intended to tell a humorous story about canned love. Inspired by the concept of fast-food relationships and consumerism, the story explores the effects of consumerist logic when it invades human intimacy. At the same time, we also try to discuss how advertisement further reinforces this consumerism by suggesting a good life that needs to be achieved through consumption.Therefore, we compare love with consumerism and want to express the meaning and sense of opposition that love and consumerism bring through different mediums."



