江火 / Fireworks Above The River

江火 / Fireworks Above The River2022-09-07T03:58:24+00:00

江火 / Fireworks Above The River

·纪录片 - 其他555播放193人气值
发布时间:2022-09-07 11:58北京4K


2022年1月31日除夕,小区外的街道异常空旷,只有尚未打烊的店面传出的音响声音,丝毫没有庆祝的氛围。今年对焰火进行了限制,瓯江北岸是温州唯一能够放烟花的地方。南岸显得冷清,环卫工人在朗读亭找了一个临时住所,对岸的声音传来,恋人的烟花被警察掐断;瓯北,冒着浓烟的一整条岸边都沉浸在烟火中。 New Year's Eve, January 31, 2022, the streets outside the district are unusually empty, only the sound of the sound coming from the stores that have not yet closed, there is no atmosphere of celebration at all. The city government has imposed restrictions on fireworks this year, and the north bank of the Oujiang River is the only place in Wenzhou where fireworks can be set off. The south bank seemed cold, the sanitation workers found a temporary shelter in the reading pavilion, the sound from the opposite bank, lovers of fireworks were choked off by the police; ou north, smoking a whole bank are immersed in fireworks.


