


·纪录片 - 人文/历史·纪录片 - 风光/地理685播放174人气值
发布时间:2022-09-14 11:59广西


对于这群蓝靛瑶族人来说,无论大山外面的世界发生了怎样的变化,在这片温暖而又长情的土地上,这抹靛蓝色都会一直陪伴着他们,最后沉淀为生命的底色。李玉花们也眼含希望,心怀等待,期盼着明年蓝靛草的种子再次破土而出的那一刻…… (For the mountainous Indigo Yao people, however hustle and bustle the outer world may become, they would remain intact and enjoy their simple life to their heart content in the remote and quiet land of promise. It is certain that indigo dyeing would be passed on and on so that it would become an integral part of their life. Villagers like Li Yuhua are too impatient to wait to see the buds of indigo grass bursting forth with a terrifying vigour from the frozen ground. )


