Juice | Porsche-Dream

Juice | Porsche-Dream2022-09-16T07:04:04+00:00

Juice | Porsche-Dream

·广告片 - 汽车2.0k播放618人气值
发布时间:2022-09-16 15:04上海


近期保时捷在驻扎于芝加哥的世界顶级广告公司Cramer-Krasselty的帮助下推出他们的新生代车型广告宣传活动。加拿大Gimmick工作室负责本次广告宣传活动的整体概念策划,Juice很荣幸可以加入这个庞大的阵列,为本次宣传活动中的广告片打造CG车型和担任整个项目的后期制作。Juice导演名册中的成员,Michał Misiński出任这支广告片的导演一职。 “Juice 一直是汽车产业的拥护者,我们十分热爱保时捷这个品牌——不仅因为它令人赞叹的外观、超高性能,还有其本身的传奇色彩。我们希望在制作过程中可以拥有灵活的创作空间,非常感谢Cramer-Krasselt给到在创作上的自由,让我们的灵感和创意最终生动完美地呈现。我们与Gimmick 工作室在这个项目上从零开始,从创意概念,分镜脚本,previz脚本动态预览到最终的CG制作环节,一路下来创作上保持了灵活性,同时实现了导演工作的自主性。” Michał Misiński导演说到。下面一起来欣赏一下这支广告片吧! A-List agency Cramer-Krasselt Chicago helped Porsche to launch their new youth-focused car campaign. The Canadian Gimmick Studio was responsible for overall concept development, while we delivered CG cars and tied everything together post-production-wise. Michał Misiński from Juice roster, directed the campaign. “We love Porsche as a brand – the look, high performance, and legacy. We wanted to build this film with flexibility in mind and I appreciated the true creative freedom we’ve got from Cramer-Krasselt. We made this project together with Gimmick from scratch, taking it all the way from the creative development, storyboards, and previz, and building out CG with full flexibility while having the autonomy to direct.” says Michał Misiński, director. Our bucket list check-off, enjoy!


