女也|The Secret Garden

女也|The Secret Garden2022-11-16T05:35:26+00:00

女也|The Secret Garden

·剧情短片 - 文艺·剧情短片 - 励志7.0k播放624人气值
发布时间:2022-11-16 13:35北京4K


炎热炽烈的夏天是故事多发的时节,有午睡习惯的主人公看似光鲜亮丽,对自己有着过于苛刻的对于「完美」的执着,而在这汗都能闷出几公斤的炎热夏季,她穿梭于梦与现实,城市和湿地,挣扎与接受,「完美」的信条快要把她压的喘不过气来,她是否会向《秘密花园》里的小少爷那般挣脱了心中的桎梏呢? The hot and fiery summer is the season of many stories. The protagonist who has the habit of taking naps seems to be bright and beautiful, and has an overly harsh obsession with "Perfection". In this hot summer when sweat can suffocate several kilograms, she shuttles between Dream and reality, city and wetland, struggle and acceptance, the creed of "Perfection" is about to overwhelm her, will she break free from the shackles in her heart like the young master in The Secret Garden?



