电商视频 | 海尔取暖器 小家电动画

电商视频 | 海尔取暖器 小家电动画2022-11-23T03:29:53+00:00

电商视频 | 海尔取暖器 小家电动画

·三维CG - 三维动画618播放159人气值
发布时间:2022-11-23 11:29浙江


海尔加湿取暖器,温而不燥,轻奢取暖。流线型外形搭配蓝色立式样式,沉稳中不失科技风感,内置石墨烯加热技术,极速提升室内温度,结合智能恒温设定,在舒适体感中畅享冬日居家暖意。滋润暖流,惬意安恬。在静默中感受温润的科技关怀,深沉热感,氤氲轻雾吹拂,带来沁养心田的舒爽体验。用科技温暖人心,让感动常驻时光。 Haier humidification heater, warm but not dry, light luxury heating. The streamlined shape is matched with the dark grille style, which is calm without losing the sense of technology. The built-in graphene heating technology can quickly increase the indoor temperature. Combined with the intelligent constant temperature setting, you can enjoy the warmth of winter home in a comfortable body feeling.Moisturizing, warm and comfortable. Feel the warm scientific and technological care in silence, a deep sense of heat, and the dense mist blowing, bringing a refreshing experience of nourishing the heart. Use technology to warm people's hearts and make them move for a long time. 客户Client:海尔 Haier 导演、脚本Director/Script:Windist 三维灯光、渲染、合成 CGI Lighting/Rendering/Compositing:Gva 粒子特效 X-Particles:Gva


