电商视频 | 海尔空气循环扇 小家电动画

电商视频 | 海尔空气循环扇 小家电动画2022-11-24T01:48:22+00:00

电商视频 | 海尔空气循环扇 小家电动画

·三维CG - 三维动画1.3k播放364人气值
发布时间:2022-11-24 09:48浙江


清畅好风,贯通自然。海尔空气循环扇,带来超越传统风扇的新潮体验,独特的贯流吹拂,有效加快室内空气流通,还原自然清爽环境,白色外观搭配致密格栅,保障安全的同时也增添家居氛围。科技动人,好物甄享,灵动间舒享惬意生活。 Clear and good wind, through nature. Haier air circulation fans bring a trendy experience beyond traditional fans. The unique cross-flow blowing can effectively speed up indoor air circulation and restore a natural and refreshing environment. The white appearance is matched with dense grilles, which not only ensures safety but also adds to the home atmosphere. Technology is moving, good things are enjoyed, and you can enjoy a comfortable life in a smart room. 客户Client:海尔 Haier 导演、脚本Director/Script:Windist 三维灯光、渲染、合成 CGI Lighting/Rendering/Compositing:Lucky/Kbru 粒子特效 X-Particles:Kbru


