电商视频 | 海尔无叶风扇 小家电动画

电商视频 | 海尔无叶风扇 小家电动画2022-11-24T01:54:38+00:00

电商视频 | 海尔无叶风扇 小家电动画

·三维CG - 三维动画840播放235人气值
发布时间:2022-11-24 09:54浙江


海尔无叶风扇,新锐动能,自然风感,还原属于天地的清新气息。无扇叶化设计,在保证安全的同时更增添了极简的高级质感,搭配纯白外观的线条造型,几何方寸间,透显出现代家居的科技风尚。内部核心直流电机,带来超越想象的澎湃动力,好风微凉,尽享清爽。 Haier leafless fan, with cutting-edge kinetic energy and natural wind feeling, restores the fresh breath belonging to heaven and earth. The fan free design not only ensures safety, but also adds a simple high-grade texture. With the line shape of pure white appearance, the geometric square inch shows the scientific and technological fashion of modern home. The internal core DC motor brings more surging power than expected. The wind is cool and refreshing. 客户Client:海尔 Haier 导演、脚本Director/Script:Windist 三维灯光、渲染、合成 CGI Lighting/Rendering/Compositing:Lucky/Kbru 粒子特效 X-Particles:Kbru


