电商视频 | 海尔石墨烯取暖器 小家电动画

电商视频 | 海尔石墨烯取暖器 小家电动画2023-01-04T07:45:08+00:00

电商视频 | 海尔石墨烯取暖器 小家电动画

·三维CG - 三维动画1.6k播放451人气值
发布时间:2023-01-04 15:45浙江


海尔石墨烯取暖器,金属拉丝面板,搭配深色造型外观,带来全新的家居制暖新体验,我们在保持产品原有调性的同时,设计了完整的自然环境场景,在极寒之中展现不同寻常的热力 突破,呈现出富有视觉张力的动态画面,同时,也全方位地凸显出各项功能所带来的极致效果。科技好物,动暖人心,希望这样一支充满灵动与智慧的动画作品,能让您感受到视觉背后的深切关怀。 Haier graphene heaters, brushed metal panels, and dark-colored appearance bring a new home heating experience. While maintaining the original tonality of the product, we designed a complete natural environment scene. In the extreme cold show unusual heat Breakthrough, presenting a dynamic picture full of visual tension, and at the same time, highlighting the ultimate effect brought by various functions in an all-round way. Technology is a good thing, moving and warming people's hearts. I hope that such an animated work full of agility and wisdom can make you feel the deep care behind the visuals. 客户Client:海尔 Haier 导演、脚本Director/Script:Windist 三维灯光、渲染、合成 CGI Lighting/Rendering/Compositing:kbru 粒子特效 X-Particles:kbru


