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发布时间:2023-01-13 10:43江西4K


《美美与共Beauty and togetherness》 总顾问:罗嗣海 卢超 监制:郭正华 刘芝平 总制片:江光亮 制片:谢华 陈绍珍 总策划:曾佳 策划:黄一川 总导演:谢立丹 导演:谢立丹 周睿 赵辉 摄影:许润珂 摄像助理:刘宗昊 特效:骆晨 词:黄一川 谢华 Lyricist:Huang Yichuan Xiehua 曲:丹尼尔Composer:Daniel 主唱:丹尼尔(坦桑尼亚)键盘手,歌曲作者。Lead Singer: Daniel from Tanzania. Keyboardist and Music Producer. 伴唱:黄一川(中国)策划,歌词作者 。Backup singer:Huang Yichuan ,from China,Video Planner,Lyricswriter. 伴唱:安卓·塔那卡(津巴布韦)Backup singer: Audrey Tanaka from Zimbabwe. 伴唱:法库林· 雷(俄罗斯) Backup Singer: Fatkulin Rais from Russia. 贝斯手:阿贝·杰克波(赞比亚)Bassist: Abel Jacob from Zambia. 鼓手:尼亚瑟(津巴布韦)Drummer: Isaiah from Zimbabwe. 吉他手:沙利尔·宾(孟加拉)Guitarist: Shahriar Bin from Bangladesh. 特别鸣谢:冷青、吴天麟、高昱、宋军、徐晶、余尚峰、万维维、王铭勋、张颖、夏多玲、余鑫、彭小强、张松龙、纪兴、周卓蓓、胡景春、徐勇、蒋天合、吴锦武、王玉娟、陈沐阳、郑毅龙 作词:谢华、黄一川 作曲:Daniel 歌词大意: What a beautiful day looking out the window, I see the sun shining birds flying and singing sweet melodies (oh how amazing) 多美好的一天,窗外阳光下,飞鸟吟唱清甜的旋律。(噢,多神奇) Even take a little walk down the avenue I feel the wind, I see the kids playing Everywhere I turn, all I see is beautiful. 走在林荫道上,我沐着风,看见孩子嬉戏,到处都美不胜收。 What a wonderful world we live in, good days and bad days make it beautiful, if you really wanna show some love say yeah yeah yeah. 多美的世界,我住的星球,美好的日子,坎坷的日子都是美好,如果你想献出你的爱。 Beautiful oh the fields are green the rivers are blue, it's glowing Beautiful oh oh Everywhere I look all I see is beautiful. 噢,美妙无比,绿绿的田野。蓝蓝的河流,生生不息,多美好啊。所到之处,皆为美丽。 In all things of nature there's something of the marvelous Summer, Spring and Winter from planting to the harvest Everything is rhyming so perfectly flowing like the rainbow shining You'd think it's the Lion King. Wouldn't it be more beautiful? for you and me to be in unison? Love your neighbor and your opponent together Now put your hands together, let us make the world better 大自然,奇妙璀璨。春秋冬夏。莺飞草长,万物皆有其运力与节奏。像天边的彩虹,像狮子王的王国。那不是很美丽吗?你的邻里,你的对手,都手牵手,让世界变得更美好 阳光有七种颜色,世界也是多彩的;The sun has seven colors, and the world is colorful. 黄、白、棕、黑,文明大花园;Yellow white, brown, black. Civilized garden, 国之交在于民相亲,民相亲在于心相通。The friendship between countries lies in a harmony between people. And the affinity between the people lies in mutual understanding. 求同存异和而不同,美人之美;Harmony without uniformity, beauty and togetherness 物之不齐物之情也,海纳百川有容乃大。Things are born to be different. The ocean is vast, for it refuses no rivers. 物之不齐物之情也,各美其美美美与共;Things are born to be different. Harmony without uniformity, beauty and togetherness 文明因交流而多彩,文明因互鉴而丰富。civilizations have come in different colors, and such diversity has made exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations relevant and valuable. 和平、共享、共赢;这就是中国主张!Peace sharing and win-win, this is a China proposition.


