电影短片 Dream Before Sunrise |《梦在黎明破晓时》

电影短片 Dream Before Sunrise |《梦在黎明破晓时》2023-02-18T09:07:33+00:00

电影短片 Dream Before Sunrise |《梦在黎明破晓时》

·剧情短片 - 家庭·剧情短片 - 奇幻3.7w播放3.1k人气值
发布时间:2023-02-18 17:07广东4K


在疫情的当下,背负着生活压力的女儿和心念往昔的母亲踏上了一段似真似幻的道路,女儿的内心也反复受到现实的煎熬,积压已久的情感在一场大雨中爆发了. 在情感宣泄过后,母女俩终于达到了和解,共同在父亲的木偶水袖飞舞中走向黎明。 In the midst of the pandemic, the mother and the daughter, laden with pressure and anxiety, embark on a journey with reality and illusion. Their misunderstandings increase on their way, and the daughter endures sufferings over and over. After a pelting rain, they have finally reconciled their differences, walking into the dawn together with the phantom of the father's long sleeve puppetry dance.


2023 Flickers' Rhode Island International Film Festival 罗德岛国际电影节“”最佳短片“”提名 2023 ARFF Amsterdam // International Awards 2023 Hong Kong Arthouse Film Festival (Off On Selection / the official online selection) 2023 BIFF Boden International Film Festival Award winner 入围第13届澳门国际微电影节 获得第十九届广州大学生电影节剧情短片单元“优秀奖” 获得第四届广州(国际)城市影像大赛“电影短片单元”铜奖 入围第五届浙艺金鹄电影节(The 5th GSFF Gold Swan Film Festival)“短片单元” 入围第三届民族影像与影视人类学作品展


