


·纪录片 - 人文/历史279播放41人气值
发布时间:2023-03-13 11:43浙江4K


马灵丽1989年出生于四川成都,2012年毕业于四川美术学院国画系,获学士学位。近年来,她着重于研究艺术品基底的物质感,并让图像附着于这类物质的过程,展现为自我与外部世界接触、纠葛或分离的博弈。其作品曾在中国美术馆(北京,中国)今日美术馆(北京,中国)、松美术馆(北京,中国)、福冈亚洲美术馆(福冈,日本)、英国皇家美术学院美术馆(肯辛顿,英国)、法国泰勒基金会(巴黎,法国)等机构展出。曾获得凯撒新星大学生提名展金奖(2013);“富隆杯”当代艺术院校大学生年度提名展金奖(2012)。 Ma Lingli was born in Chengdu, Sichuan, in 1989 and graduated from the Department of Chinese Painting at the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute with a BFA in 2012. In recent years, Ma's research has focused on the materiality in her artwork and allowing images to superimpose the material process, presented as contacts, entanglement, or separation between the tug of war between the self and the external world. Her works have been exhibited at the National Art Museum of China (Beijing, China), Today Art Museum (Beijing, China), Song Art Museum (Beijing, China), Fukuoka Asian Art Museum (Fukuoka, Japan), Royal College of Art Gallery (Kensington, UK), and Fondation Taylor (Paris, France), among others. She was awarded the First Prize in Caissa Rising Artists – Exhibition for Nominated Students (2013) and the First Prize in “The Boat of 2012” – "Aussina Cup" Annual Nomination Exhibition for Students of Contemporary Art Academies.


