


·广告片 - 餐饮食品·宣传片 - 企业形象1.3k播放394人气值
发布时间:2023-03-16 16:15北京


友谊是一滴滴甘露 把它们汇集起来便能合成美好 Friendship is the nectar of Didi. Put It all together and you can make something beautiful 从智利的一个小村庄 From a small village in Chile 到全球认可新旧葡萄酒产区而名扬天下 To the global recognition of new and old wine regions and famous 只用了100多年的历史 In just over 100 years of history 凭借着梦想、勇气和对友谊的忠诚和执着 With dreams, courage and loyalty and dedication to friendship 慕思黛尔为友谊的坚定不移 MosDELL was steadfast in friendship 创造了一系列征服世界的历史 Has created a series of world conquests 这里是一个早在16世纪的文献中 Here's a document from as early as the 16th century 就已被提及的古老产区 Has already been mentioned in the ancient production area 有文献记载 It is documented 这里的酒庄酒的历史 The history of winery here 可以追溯到古老的欧洲 Can be traced back to ancient Europe 可以说,慕思黛尔的基石是源自法国 Arguably, the bedrock of Musdale is derived from France 源渊显赫、盛产名酒、备受瞩目、敢为人先 It has a great pedigree Famous wines abound High profile Dare to be the first 葡萄酒被称为“上帝之水” Wine is called“God's water.” 它的诞生是深爱我们的自然而然 It was born out of a natural love for us 并希望我们快乐、友谊永恒的佐证 And hope that our happiness, friendship eternal proof 在上世纪初的乱世之中 In the troubled times of the early 20th century 一个来自法国的水手黛尔 A sailor from France named DELL 被这里独特的气候、青翠的葡萄园和憨厚的智利酒农深深吸引了 By the unique climate here A verdant vineyard And honest Chilean wine farmers 在这个世界上最狭长国度(智利) In the world's longest country (Chile) 结识了当地的一家农场主 Got to know a local farmer 独特的气候和土壤风格 Unique climate and soil style 恰到好处的昼夜温差 Just the right temperature difference between day and night 有如生命的明媚阳光 Like the Sunshine of life 就在那里 目睹并奠定了这无价的友谊 Right there Witnessed and laid the priceless friendship 俩人相约培育好的葡萄 酿制出优质的葡萄酒 The two meet to grow good grapes Make fine wine 但是紧接而来的战争 18/2000 But then came the war 水手加入海军 并跟随着皇家海军的脚步 转战各大洋 The sailor joined the Navy And follow in the footsteps of the Royal Navy, to the oceans 分离没有影响俩人的约定 The separation did not affect their agreement 农场主秉承着“好葡萄酒是种出来的”的理念 The farmer's philosophy is that“Good wine is grown” 再加上传承了波尔多体系的欧洲古老的酿酒方法 Add to that the old European way of making wine that has inherited the Bordeaux system 让风土以最佳的方式通过葡萄酒阐释出来 Let the soil be explained in the best way by wine 直到战争结束水手归来 Until the war was over and DELL came back 迎接他的是刚刚酿成的葡萄酒 He was greeted by freshly brewed wine 为了向友谊的致敬 In honor of friendship 创建了品牌”Mosdell” Created the brand “Mosdell” 沿着水手的征程 Along the Mariners' journey 开发了不同国家的葡萄酒 Developed wines from different countries 来纪念俩人那超越了生命和距离的友谊 To honor the friendship that transcends life and distance 为品牌注入自然的魅力和珍贵的友情 Infuse the brand with natural charm and precious friendship 慕思黛尔更凭借出众的表现 MosDELL performance was even more impressive 成为星光闪耀的明星品牌 Become a star-studded brand 深深地牵引着全球葡萄酒爱好者 Deeply traction of the global wine lovers 慕思黛尔所呈现的 What the MosDELL presents 是广受赞誉的产区风土特征 Is widely praised for the characteristics of the production area 还代表着源远流长的酿酒情怀 Also represents a long history of wine-making feelings 以及超越真正情谊的日久弥香 And the fragrance of time that transcends true friendship 务实启新,敢为共赢 Start new pragmatically Dare to win for all 2023年,慕思黛尔跨越海洋 The 2023, the MosDELL Claret across the ocean 再启“行走中国”新篇章 We will open a new chapter of“Walking China” 真情醇香,让彼此更靠近 True love mellow Bring each other closer 由中酿云购 全国首发 By ZHONGNIANG Cloud shopping, the first national 中国最大的酒类免税产品生产服务商 中酿酒业集团


