


·宣传片 - 影视/综艺·剪辑二创 - 影视混剪905播放254人气值
发布时间:2023-06-04 04:18广东4K


刚刚获得中超联赛冠军的蓝狮俱乐部因为资金问题破产,俱乐部中的蓝狮青训队也随之面临解散,这些年轻球员的职业梦想还未开始就被迫夭折,他们大部分人从小被选入俱乐部训练,生活中除了足球一无所有。面对突如其来的人生困境,究竟是坚持梦想还是另寻出路?解散前的最后一场比赛后,他们都有了各自的答案...... The Blue Lion Club, which just obtained the champion of the Chinese Super League went bankrupted due to financial problems. Blue Lions Youth team is also on the verge of dissolution. These players's professional ambition collapses before it even starts. Most of them join the club as kid, and all their life is about soccer and nothing else. Facing the sudden life dilemma, should they stick on their dream or find another way out? On the last game before their disbandment, each of them has find an answer.


