


·宣传片 - 国家城市形象·宣传片 - 党政军342播放63人气值
发布时间:2023-08-04 12:28四川


你见过什么样的攀枝花? What's Panzhihua like in your heart? 是两江交汇的豪迈? Is it the confluence of two mighty rivers? 还是江花胜火的曼妙? Or flowers as red as fire? 是笮山若水间的葱郁? Or like a tree growing among mountains and rivers? 还是放飞自我的豪情? Or like the feeling of freedom? 在这座城,无论你来自哪里 In this city, no matter where you're from 天南海北的相逢 Thousands of tourists from around the world gather here 碰撞出专属于这里的味觉记忆 We find delicious food that belongs here from memory 不拘行制,珍藏内心…… Free and precious 今天,让我们穿越四季 Today, let's go through the different seasons 用舌尖去探寻攀枝花的美食秘境 Explore Panzhihua's culinary secrets with our tongue tips


